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What is Open Gate?

Obsidian Open Gate seamlessly integrates web browsing into your Obsidian note-taking experience. Embed any website as a "Gate" within the Obsidian interface or directly within notes. Customize the layout, inject custom CSS, and access Gates quickly via hotkeys or a command palette. Whether you're researching, studying, or just browsing, Obsidian Open Gate keeps everything you need in one place, enhancing your productivity and streamlining your workflow.

How does it work?

Under the hood, Obsidian Open Gate uses webview (mobile) and iframe (desktop) technologies to display websites within the app.

Why use Open Gate?

  • Improved productivity: Reduces context switching, allowing you to focus on your tasks.
  • Interactive notes: Embeds websites directly into notes, making them more engaging and interactive.
  • Real-time updates: Provides live updates from embedded websites.
  • Enhanced aesthetics: Brings life to websites by incorporating images, audio, and other elements.

Usage cases

Obsidian Open Gate transforms Obsidian into a more versatile workspace by embedding various web applications directly within. Here are 10 use cases:

  1. Calendar Management: Embed your Google Calendar or other web-based calendars to stay organized and manage appointments directly in Obsidian.
  2. Collaborative Workspace: Integrate Notion or other collaborative tools to work on shared projects and documents with colleagues or friends.
  3. Real-Time Document Editing: Embed Google Docs or Microsoft Word Online to seamlessly edit documents and collaborate with others in real time.
  4. Interactive Learning: Insert YouTube videos or other interactive web content to enhance your notes or learning materials.
  5. Project Management: Embed Trello or Asana boards to manage tasks, track progress, and collaborate on projects.
  6. Financial Tracking: Integrate Google Sheets or Excel Online to monitor financial data, create budgets, and track expenses.
  7. Interactive Whiteboarding: Embed Miro or other online whiteboards for brainstorming, mind mapping, and collaborative idea generation.
  8. Content Curation: Insert Pinterest or Pocket to collect and organize your favorite articles, images, or other online content.
  9. Research and Analysis: Embed Google Scholar or JSTOR to access academic databases and research materials.
  10. Social Media Integration: Connect with Twitter or LinkedIn to stay updated on industry trends or engage with professional networks.

Why I created Open Gate?

I created Open Gate because other plugins I tried were either too complicated or lacked features I needed. My goal was to simplify the user experience and include only essential functionalities. I use Open Gate daily and continuously update it to ensure it meets user needs effectively.

Released under the MIT License.